In the first half of 2022 we have welcomed a lot of good games, but besides that there are also bombs that according to Game4V everyone should stay away lest losing money is still annoying, especially when you play 10 very bad game later.
1. Babylon’s Fall
Topping the list of the 10 worst games of 2022 is none other than Babylon’s Fall
This can be considered the biggest disappointment in the first half of 2022, made by Platinum Game (successful with Astral Chain, Bayoneta) and re-released by Square Enix with the promise of bringing a medium-sized Fantasy world. big and deep for gamers to explore together. But at launch all gamers get is a literal pile of garbage. The advertised graphics will make it feel like traveling in the world of oil paintings, but it doesn’t show any of that character if not too bad for a game released in 2022. Missions are fragmented and patchy, controls are lousy, plot sounds epic at first, but the game doesn’t show any link in the end, following the Live Service model and trying to cram a bunch of stuff. The high-priced items in the game make Babylon’s Fall the first game to reach a record number of players 1 player at a time (yes, you can’t see that there is only 1 player).
2. CrossfireX
Despite the high expectations, it seems that Raid X failed to complete the mission
Raid the name that stormed for a while in Vietnam, so when CrossfireX was announced, many Vietnamese gamers including me were very excited to try the game. My friend was lucky enough to play in a Beta but what he told me back was just a disappointment. At first, I didn’t believe it because Remedy has been making games for so long, until I tried the game in the GamePass package, CrossfireX had too many problems to solve from the absurdly jerky system to hundreds of thousands of users. So many bugs from the plot, cutscenes to the graphics that sometimes I think, why don’t they remaster the original raid game here to save the trouble of redoing a bomb like this?
3. Liberated: Enhanced Edition
Unique graphics are the only strength of this game left, then you know why the game appeared in the list of 10 worst games in the first half of 2022.
Liberated: Enhanced Edition has extremely unique graphics and storytelling that make gamers feel like they are watching a comic book but can interact with the characters inside. Unfortunately, all that the game does well is that much throughout the game you only have a single mission to run from ab, killing all the enemies along the way. So that’s not what a 2D shooter is supposed to do? That’s true, but at least you have to create many situations by alternating different types of enemies to create challenges, but the game maker chooses a safe direction to arrange according to fixed formulas that make The game becomes predictable, repeats a lot. Besides, the game also has many minor bugs that prevent players from having a good experience.
4. Blackwind
If it weren’t for too many bugs and unreasonable screen design, Blackwind is one of the names you should try right away.
Blackwind was once considered a very promising game when the market is now quite short of Hack and Slash games in that fictional setting, not to mention the fact that we also control a giant mech with extremely destructive power. This makes the game extremely attractive to a mecha/robot game nerd like me. Unfortunately, the bad camera angle sometimes doesn’t follow the characters combined with the unreasonable arrangement of challenges, then what else? a bunch of bugs popping up everywhere made me unable to stick even to delete the game after a few hours of trying to play it. I am very hopeful that after a while the game will improve then I will once again try the above challenges.
5. The Waylanders
Unfortunately, The Waylanders will have to appear in the list of 10 worst games in the first half of 2022 because of its lengthy but unattractive gameplay.
Although it’s been in Early Access for a few years now, The Waylanders is still littered with confusing bugs. This caused many reviewers to say I don’t know if time is the only factor this game needs to be better? Basically Waylanders has an extremely attractive Celtic culture-based storyline, but the development team has not yet made a Gameplay mechanism attractive enough to entice players. If they can do that, the game will surely become extremely successful.