Obviously we all know Spy X Family based on Anya’s reactions in general and her actions as a sweet and innocent child. Here’s what we’ll see in the latest Chap of Spy X Family released on June 26. Accompanying our protagonist in the latest Chapter is one of our favorite characters and teachers. us, the definition of the gentleman Mr. Henderson.
Anya’s ambition to become a scholar empire and work hard to achieve that goal will also continue in the next Chapter of Spy X Family Chap 65. But when? Spy X Family Chap 65 will be released? We are sure that you are here to know about it. So don’t worry, we have the information you need. Furthermore, we will also discuss possible events in the Spy X Family Chap 65. But before we recount our memories from the events of the last chapter. So, without any further hype, let’s see what the final mission is.
What happened so far? Spy X Family Chapter 64 Summary
We are back with our Anya in the latest Chap of Spy X Family. It’s just been another school day for Anya and after breaking up with her only friend Becky Blackbell, she’s waiting for the bus to take her home. However, it was announced that the bus driver had some medical emergency and the bus would be late. While waiting for the bus to arrive, Mr. Henderson ran into Anya and their comic relief began. He asked while waiting for the bus to arrive, if she wanted to help him with the housework. Anya agrees after hearing that he will greet her with Tea Cakes if she helps him.
Their small talk began and Henderson asked if she was upset about taking another Tonitrus Bolt but she didn’t seem upset until he reminded her of it. Anya tells him that she is really upset about it if it means getting tea cakes. Henderson explains to her why she has another Tonitrus Bolt and what she must do to prevent getting another. But Anya was like that, she couldn’t understand a word that came out of Henderson’s mouth. Henderson also asks her why she wants to be a Royal Scholar, although she can’t tell the truth to him, Anya tells Henderson she wants to look Super Cool. After eating the Tea Cake, Anya left.
What to expect in Spy X Family Chapter 65?
As we saw in the latest Chapter, Anya really wants to become a Royal Scholar with the sole purpose of helping Loid prevent a world war. Not only that, this is how she keeps the family home she loves. After witnessing Loid and Yor work hard to keep their jobs and family together, she decides to work hard on her own. Even though it was time to watch the Spy Wars anime after dinner, she asked Lord to help her with her studies. She is willing to skip Spy Wars, her favorite anime series to study and become an Imperial Scholar. However, Loid wearily thought she might have received another Tonitrus Bolt and fainted.
We can expect this humorous routine to continue in Spy X Family Chap 65. While for Sylvia Sherwood, we will see more of her in Spy X Family Chap 65? Well, we can’t say for sure Spy X Family Chap 65 It will be an interesting episode and will definitely make us laugh.
Spy X Family Chapter 65 Release Date
Spy X Family Chap 65 will be released on Sunday, July 10, 2022. New chapters of Spy X Family arrive every alternate week unless there are sudden changes. Spy X Family Chap 65 there will be a new quest with our lovely characters again. Be sure to read it once it’s out.
Also Read: Tokyo Revengers Chapter 260: Release Date & Spoiler
Original Post: https://otakugo.net/spy-x-family-chapter-65-ngay-phat-hanh-spoiler-108944.og
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