The story revolves around the Alpha and Omega of the series, i.e. Ian and Yugeon, the two main characters of the story. Like many of the newer titles on Lezhin that have grown in popularity, this is one of them for the BL genre. However, how it differs from others is its slow nature compared to a lot of the things you see associated with the genre.
The story is touching and focuses more on the romance and school aspect than the tense scenes. Maybe at the end of the line, but that would be after the story has passed a certain point. Most likely after the second and at most the third, but then again, this story does a great job of telling a sane story it doesn’t need it.
Merry Marbling Chapter 27 summary
Merry Marbling Chapter 27 is like a harem chapter. Nothing major is going on, and the main focus is on character interactions and future events. While this is a common storyline in all genres, it’s worth noting that this respite can be one of the more beautiful moments in a series.
And when it comes to Ian and Yugeon, they also have a warm time together. Yugeon wanted to be with Ian for a while after the events of the previous chapter. Ian was pleased with him and let him be close to him as much as possible, as he also liked to be around him.
Yugeon joked about how both of them felt the same and how fast their hearts were beating. Normally, Ian had some sort of retaliation for anything his underlings threw at him, but this time he kept quiet. The two spent more time together in silence and stayed that way until dawn.
Merry Marbling Chap 28
Merry Marbling Chap 28 will be the beginning of a new series of events as the final chapters have established plot points for the future. While the plot points aren’t set by the main characters, they’re just closer than before in their on-screen time. And those two won’t be going through those situations anytime soon because they’ve become passive in the plot. It was their seniors who bet on them.
Bet on whether one of the main characters is a good person. It makes sense that this would be the main focus between the two side characters who bet, as the main focus of the series is whether one is good or not. Ian has gone through his arc and redeemed himself, but Yugeon has yet to reveal his deeper secrets.
What is the release date of Merry Marbling Chapter 28?
Merry Marbling Chap 28 will launch on August 12, 2023, for the following regions.
- Pacific Daylight Time [West Coast]: 8:00 AM PDT (August 12, 2023)
- Central Daylight Time [Central American and Canada]: 9:00 AM Investor (August 12, 2023)
- Daylight time in the east [East Coast]: 10:00 AM EDT (August 12, 2023)
- Greenwich Mediterranean Time [Britain]: 5:00pm BST (August 12, 2023)
- India Standard Time [India]: 8:30pm IST (August 12, 2023)
- Singapore Standard Time [Singapore]: 11:00 PM SGT (August 12, 2023)
- Philippine Standard Time [Philippines]: 11:00 PM PST (August 12, 2023)
It will be available to read on August 13, 2023 for these regions.
- Korean Standard Time [Korea]: 12:00 AM KST (13/08/2023)
- Japan Standard Time [Korea]: 12:00 AM JST (August 13, 2023)
- Eastern Australian Daylight Time [Australia]: 02:00 AM AEDT (13/08/2023)
Where to read Merry Marbling Chapter 28?
Merry Marbling Chap 28 will be available to read on Kakao.