Ameku MD: Doctor Detective, an attractive medical detective anime, released on January 1, 2024 – Anime series Ameku MD: Doctor Detectiveadapted from the famous novel series Ameku Takao no Suiri Karte by Mikito Chinen, has attracted attention with a series of new information. Scheduled to premiere on January 1, 2024, the anime will air the first two episodes consecutively on Tokyo MX and several other channels, and will be streamed on Crunchyroll in many global regions.
The story follows Takao Ameku, a talented doctor who solves murder cases and medical mysteries at the diagnostic department of a general hospital. Written by Mikito Chinen, a practicing doctor, the work brings a unique combination of practical medical knowledge and thrilling detective elements.
Cast and personnel
The anime brings together a famous cast:
Ayane Sakura trong vai Takao Ameku
Kenshō Ono trong vai Yu Takanashi
Manaka Iwami as Mai Konoike
Nana Mizuki trong or my grandparents
Morning Junichi, Miyuki Sawashiroand Shiroaki Hirata along with another stellar supporting cast.
The soundtrack is also promising with Aimer performing the opening theme song “Scope” and the Gospellers featuring Anly on the ending theme song “will be fine feat. Anly.”
Anime directed by Kazuya Iwata (Yōjo Shachō R, 7th Time Loop: The Villainess Enjoys a Carefree Life), with character designs by Yuka Takashina undertake. Background music by fox capture plan composed, bringing an emotional musical space and suitable for the medical detective context.
Origin and success of the work
The Ameku Takao no Suiri Karte novel series was published from 2014 to 2022 with a total of 13 volumes, selling more than 3 million copies. Since October 2023, the publisher Jitsugyo no Nihon Sha has republished the original 13 volumes and added three new volumes.
The series was adapted into a manga in 2016, ending after 4 volumes in 2018. The manga version has expanded the popularity of the work, but it is the upcoming anime that will truly mark a big step forward, bringing story to a global audience.
With meticulous production and attractive content, Ameku MD: Doctor Detective promises to be one of the most anticipated anime series in early 2024.