The previously announced anime adaptation of The Do-Over Damsel Conquers the Dragon Emperor has released teaser images as well as detailed information about the staff working on the series. The anime will air later this year.
Studio JC STAFF is making the series under the direction of Kentaro Suzuki. Atsuo Ishino is writing the series and Sana Komatsu is the character designer.
The anime Do-Over Damsel Conquers the Dragon Emperor is based on a light novel written by Sarasa Nagase and illustrated by Mitsuya Fuji. Originally published by Shosetsuka ni Naro in 2019, Kadokawa acquired it in 2020 and published it under the Kadokawa Beans Bunko label. A manga adaptation featuring art by Anko Yuzu has been running since 2020 in Comp Ace magazine.
Cross Infinite World licensed the novel in English and describes the plot as follows: Jill is sentenced to death by the crown prince, her fiancé. But just before she died, she went back in time six years to the party where their engagement was decided. To avoid this path of destruction, Jill immediately proposed to the person standing behind her…but her biggest enemy was Emperor Hadis?! Jill knows all about her future as a devil. She quickly withdrew her proposal, but Hadis happily took her back to his castle and prepared a meal for her. Completely captivated by food, Jill makes a life-changing decision…“I will reform—no, I will make you happy!” It’s time to rebuild this life with the enemy!
You can watch the promotional video for the series, with Azumi Waki and Takuya Sato voicing Jill and Hadis:
Source: Official X (formerly Twitter)©Sarasa Nagase 2020 / Illustration by Mitsuya Fuji