Kodoani.com – Cycomi manga app and website by Cygames has introduced a new horror manga series titled Continuity (Sensitive Spot), written by Itsuma-chan and drawn by Aya Fumino. The manga launched on September 10.
Manga Kanjuten stars both Itsuma-chan and Aya Fumino and is described as a horror and revelation story with the message that “You can also experience ‘feelings’ when your daily life begins to The head becomes unwell.”
Previously, Aya Fumino’s The Essence of Being a Muse (Muse no Shinzui) manga ended on February 10. The manga launched in Kadokawa’s Monthly Comic Beam magazine in September 2021. Licensing by Yen Press for the manga and released its English version.
Theo: Kodoani.com