The classic futuristic sci-fi action series debuted in January – Manga author Kia Asamiya shared on Twitter on December 29 about her new project, a new series titled “Captain Symphonica,” is scheduled to launch on Takeshobo’s Web Comic Gamma in January. Issues of the magazine are usually released on the 10th, 20th, and 30th of each month.
The story of “Captain Symphonica” is described as “classic futuristic sci-fi action,” revolving around a silver spaceship named “Blitzen,” whose mission is to protect peace in the solar system. sky using the sonic star weapon “Symphonica Waffe.”
Asamiya just finished the manga “Speope!!” (Space Opera!!) with the eighth volume on December 26. The series launched in Young King Ours magazine in March 2019, and Shonengahosha published the sixth volume on September 30.
Kia Asamiya is famous for many successful manga works such as “Silent Möbius,” “Steam Detectives,” “Compiler,” and “Junk: Record of the Last Hero.” He has also been involved in many other art projects, including character designs for the anime “Martian Successor Nadesico” and adapting the film “Star Wars Episode I: The Phantom Menace” into manga. Many of Asamiya’s works have been adapted into anime, and he has worked with many famous partners in the manga and anime industry.
Among Asamiya’s works published in North America are “Silent Möbius” and “Steam Detectives” published by Viz Media, “Nadesico” published by CPM Manga, and “Junk: Record of the Last Hero ” published by DrMaster. Manga Planet also licensed “Silent Möbius” in July 2020.