The Demon Prince of Momochi House manga sequel to launch on July 24 – Kadokawa’s July issue of Asuka magazine revealed on Wednesday that the manga Kagetoki-sama no Kurenai Kōkyū Aya Shouoto’s (Lord Kagetoki’s Crimson Harem) will end in the magazine’s September issue, and the manga will ship on July 24. Momochi-san Chi no Ayakashi Ōji -Zoku- (The Demon Prince of Momochi House -) manga Sequel-) (tentative title) will have a limited run in the same September issue of the magazine.
Shouoto launched the Kagetoki-sama no Kurenai Kōkyū manga in July 2021. Kadokawa published the manga’s first compiled book volume in April 2022 and the second volume on February 22.
The manga’s story centers on Tsutsuji, a high school girl nicknamed “Shinigami” because of her evil personality. She enters another world called Pearl Country, where she faces troubles and battles inside and outside the inner palace with a black prince named Kagetoki who enjoys chaos. Together, they make the strongest and worst pair.