According to Nuguri, champions who can support new teammates are popular in this position.
If you pay close attention to the tweaks of Riot Games in the past time, you can see that version 12.10 is an extremely important update and drastically changes the gameplay of League of Legends. This also affects the trend of champion selection, the lineup of professional teams when many strong characters in the spring have disappeared or are no longer a priority.
Sejuani is currently appearing a lot at professional tournaments
Recently in an interview after DK’s win against KDF in the LCK Summer 2022, player Nuguri explained a bit more clearly about the trend of selecting champions mentioned above. According to the share from Nuguri, to be selected in the Top lane, that champion must be able to support teammates in some way, not just contribute damage anymore. That’s why pure-damage Gladiators are considered “out of time” by Nuguri at the moment.
Q: You played Gangplank and Gnar in today’s match, what do you think of these champions?
DK Nuguri: They are both good picks and can support teammates very well. Gangplank has an ultimate that slows down enemies from afar or Gnar has a lot of control and is strong in combat. I think in order to be picked at the moment, the Top laner needs to have the ability to support teammates. Gladiator champions that only provide damage have expired and are no longer used.
For the LCK region, the laning phase is always very focused on the teams and they tend to pick strong champions at this time. However, when patch 12.10 was released, everything changed completely with a series of tanky, versatile champions returning to Top lane like Ornn, Sejuani. Even a damage champion, that character must provide a certain level of utility such as Gangplank and Kayle (support teammates with ultimate ability) for example.
Kayle is not only strong in dealing damage, but also has a very good ultimate in protecting teammates
The most obvious consequence of this gameplay is that a series of Damage Gladiators have their pick and ban rates reduced when they do not meet the above requirements. Jayce is a prime example of this when in the 2022 Summer LCK, Guardians of Tomorrow only have a 2% pick and ban rate with 1 ban and 1 pick. Meanwhile, in the LCK Spring 2022, Jayce owns up to 57% of the ban rate, the 2nd highest in Top Lane.
Jayce’s appearance rate in major tournaments has dropped drastically
Based on Riot’s recent moves, we see that they have no intention of increasing the power of Gladiators. Instead, it is the Junglers with a tendency to increase strength like Master Yi that are the focus of the editing. Perhaps we will have to wait until after Worlds 2022 before the Damage Gladiator class has a chance to return.