Dragon Ball GT introduces a new twist by turning Dragon Radar into a sentient character named Gill. Dragon Radar becomes an active participant in the search for the Dragon Balls, alerting the Z-Fighters when a Dragon Ball is nearby. Dragon Radar is an important tool in the Dragon Ball series, without it many important events would not have happened.
While Dragon Ball has no shortage of strange characters, from a shapeshifting pig to a pink blob with godlike powers, Dragon Ball GT introducing perhaps the strangest person of them all, one that’s made even more so considering they’re actually a DBZ artifact; Dragon Radar.
In the early days of Dragon Ball, the series focused more on the heroes actually collecting the Dragon Balls, as opposed to later stories in DBZ and Super, where the heroes focused more on fighting . In Dragon Ball, the entire story begins with Bulma finding Goku alone in the forest while she is searching for the Dragon Balls, and then inviting him to join her on her quest – thus sparking the whole thing. Franchising.
Dragon Ball GT even returns to this formula as Goku, Trunks, and Pan are scouring the universe in search of the Black Star Dragon Balls. In these stories, where finding the Dragon Balls is the main goal, there is one object that is more valuable than any other, the Dragon Radar.
Even Dragon Ball admits Saiyan names are ridiculous
Dragon Ball fans are well aware of the funny names given to Saiyans in the series, and Dragon Ball GT calls it the most meta joke ever.
Trunks Accidentally Causes Dragon Radar to Have Emotions in GT
In Dragon Ball GT season 1, episode 5 (written by Masashi Kubota, directed by Osamu Kasai, produced by Toei Animation), Goku, Trunks, and Pan are stranded on an alien planet after their spaceship crashes. down to its surface. Even though they had no intention of coming to this world, the Z-Fighters still decided to see if there were any Black Star Dragon Balls here. So Trunks pulled out the Dragon Radar before he was startled by a small robot buried under the sand.
The robot suddenly moved under Trunks’ feet, causing the Saiyan warrior to release Dragon Radar right in front of it. The robot then quickly consumes the Dragon Radar and converts it into energy, giving it the thrust it needs to get out of the dirt. Although the Z-Fighters initially thought they had just failed their mission, it was revealed that the robot had formed a fully functioning Dragon Radar on its back, meaning the device was not as lost as it seemed. Z-Fighters thought initially.
Dragon Ball GT turned Dragon Radar into a real character
In this episode of Dragon Ball GT, the Dragon Radar – which has been used since the first episode – actually becomes sentient. Instead of remaining a tool used by the Z-Fighters to find the Dragon Balls, the Dragon Radar (named ‘Gill’ when it became part of the robot) became an active participant in the search. Gill can walk, run, talk and assist with activities while searching for the Dragon Balls – moreover, Gill will clearly alert the Z-Fighters when there is a Dragon Ball nearby, so the The hero doesn’t need to constantly look down at the radar while searching.
Without Dragon Radar, nothing in the entire Dragon Ball mythos would have been possible. Bulma wouldn’t have found Goku, the Z-Fighters wouldn’t have formed, and every story that fans know and love today would have been completely changed or completely erased from existence. The Dragon Radar is the linchpin of the series, and it finally gets its chance to enter after receiving the perfect upgrade in Dragon Ball GT.
The Dragon Ball GT anime is available on Crunchyroll.
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Dragon Ball GT
Dragon Ball GT is the third series in Akira Toriyama’s most famous anime series. However, this is the first film that does not adapt the manga plot. Set after the events of the Buu Saga, Dragon Ball GT sees Goku and the Z-Warriors battle powerful villains such as Baby, Super 17, and the Shadow Dragons. 18 years after the 64-episode series met with a lukewarm reception, Dragon Ball Super replaced it in the anime’s official sequel.