Cocohana magazine published the final chapter of the manga on Friday, revealing Yoshinaga’s new manga in 2024 – In the September issue of Shueisha’s Cocohana magazine, the final chapter of the manga “Tamaki to Amane” (Tamaki and Amane) by Fumi Yoshinaga was serialized on Friday. The magazine also revealed that a new Yoshinaga manga will begin serialization in 2024.
“Tamaki to Amane” is a manga about “the different forms that love takes” and debuted on Cocohana in November 2022, with multiple releases. The manga’s volume will be published on October 23.
Fumi Yoshinaga is also the author of the manga “Ōoku: The Inner Chambers” and “What Did You Eat Yesterday?” (Kinō Nani Tabeta?). The manga ended in December 2020 after publishing the 19th and final volume in February 2021. Another manga by the author is “What Did You Eat Yesterday?” was released in 2007 and has had 21 volumes published to date.
Both of Yoshinaga’s manga have received numerous nominations and awards, including the Tezuka Osamu Cultural Prize and the James Tiptree Award.
With Yoshinaga’s creativity and talent, we can expect her remarkable new works in the future.