The magazine’s manga include Kobayashi’s Dragon Maid, Tsugumomo, My Brother’s Husband – Magazine Action Futabasha Monthly announced on Thursday that it would end its publishing operations, with its next issue on February 24 being its last. In this issue, readers will learn about the fate of the manga currently registered on the magazine’s pages.
The magazine’s next issue will feature a collaborative cover between Coolkyoushinja’s “Miss Kobayashi’s Dragon Maid” manga and Yoshikazu Hamada’s “Tsugumomo” manga.
Futabasha released the first issue of its monthly Action magazine on May 25, 2013, which also marked Futabasha’s founding anniversary.
The magazine has published many famous manga such as ” Miss Kobayashi’s Dragon Maid, Tsugumomo, Action Mask, My Brother’s Husband, Orange, UzaMaid – Our Maid is Way Too Annoying!, My Pathetic Vampire Life, Our Colors, My Boy,Become You, The Country Without Humans, I Want to Eat Your Pancreasand Holmes of Kyoto.