With the development of technology, the blockbuster games, even AAA games appearing on the mobile platform are gradually becoming more popular than before.
These include names like Resident Evil, ARK and a series of other blockbusters have been put on Android or iOS platforms. But recently, The Witcher 3 appeared on Mobile really made many players surprised.

The name The Witcher 3 is probably no stranger to many gamers. Although there is also a decent age, but so far The Witcher 3 is still valid as one of the best open world games of all of her time.
With the dense mods from the player, The Witcher 3 is still maintaining a large number of gamers. And with The Witcher 4 has been introduced at The Game Awards recently, the super product of CD Projekt is even more “hot” recently.

Of course, The Witcher 3 has not had its mobile version and NPH CD Projekt itself has not published any similar project. But recently, the famous Youtuber Serglov has just made the fan community surprised when posting a video about the experience of The Witcher 3 on his Redmic 10 Pro phone quite smoothly. Of course, this guy must use a simulator called Winlator 9.0 to run Windows, then install The Witcher 3 as if he owns a genuine PC.

However, there are also many limitations in this process, such as FPS often falling or sometimes lag problems and shock. The graphics cannot be too complete and pushing “max” performance also makes his phone heat up, dropping the battery faster than usual. However, this still cannot reduce the excitement from gamers when watching.