Before the current events taking place in the famous manga and anime series Jujutsu Kaisen, the character Yuji Itadori was identified as having special potential in the wizarding world. As the story progresses, Itadori begins to realize this potential, demonstrating impressive abilities and devastating new techniques in battle.
In recent chapters, Itadori once again surprised readers by using a special technique that only two other magicians had previously been able to perform.
When the fearsome Demon King Sukuna hit Itadori hard in the stomach, Itadori also shocked him by spraying blood directly on Sukuna’s face.
Initially confused, the blood then exploded and caused significant damage to even the mighty Sukuna.
This appearance marked Itadori’s unlocking the rare magical Blood Control technique. However, given Itadori’s established personality traits, readers can expect more surprising abilities from his blood magic beyond simple detonation in the future.
Yuji Itadori’s surprising development with blood manipulation
Before the current events taking place in the famous manga and anime series Jujutsu Kaisen, the character Yuji Itadori was identified as having special potential in the wizarding world.
As the story progresses, Itadori begins to realize this potential, demonstrating impressive abilities and devastating new techniques in battle.
In recent chapters, Itadori once again surprised readers by using a special technique that only two other magicians had previously been able to perform.
When the fearsome Demon King Sukuna hit Itadori hard in the stomach, Itadori also shocked him by spraying blood directly on Sukuna’s face.
Initially confused, the blood then exploded and caused significant damage to even the mighty Sukuna. This appearance marked Itadori’s unlocking the rare magical Blood Control technique.
However, given Itadori’s established personality traits, readers can expect more surprising abilities from his blood magic beyond simple detonation in the future.
Further evidence of Yuji Itadori’s developing Blood Manipulation talent also appeared a few chapters earlier. While the reformed wizard Higuruma fought the fearsome Sukuna, a blood beam very similar to the Penetrating Blood technique was unleashed against the Demon King.
When the Choso blood mage is not nearby, this attack can only originate from Itadori. That’s why chapter 251 of Jujutsu Kaisen is considered the latest presentation of Itadori’s rapidly evolving blood magic.
Furthermore, despite his accumulated injuries, Itadori persevered in fighting Sukuna thanks in part to his effective use of the healing magic Flowing Red Scales – another advanced technique added to his repertoire.
How Yuji’s blood manipulation can defeat the Cursed King
With the revelation in chapter 251 that Yuji Itadori can now use Blood Manipulation, intriguing speculations arise surrounding his full potential with blood magic.
Unlike more experienced users such as Noritoshi Kamo and Choso, Itadori is able to unlock the full capabilities of blood magic surprisingly quickly.
As shown in his recent battle with Sukuna, Itadori recently grasped the metaphysical concepts of reaching one’s inner soul through studying the writings of Yuki Tsukumo.
This spiritual insight combines incredibly with Itadori’s signature ability to attack the soul directly to cause great damage.
Readers have witnessed this deadly spirit-targeting combination against the cursed spirit Mahito before, and Itadori made short work of it against his ally Megumi in this chapter.
Integrating these details, the Jujutsu Kaisen manga established Domain Expansion as the ultimate pinnacle of jujutsu magic.
Given that Yuji Itadori’s Personal Domain and Cursed Techniques are still an unrevealed mystery, however he possesses formidable abilities such as Blood Manipulation, the possibility of Itadori’s release should not be overlooked. develop an extremely dangerous Blood Domain.
Furthermore, considering how Itadori’s Blood Explosion technique was able to significantly injure the notoriously resilient Curse King Sukuna himself, blood magic could prove the key trump card that the series’ heroes story is needed.
While Itadori’s full abilities remain to be seen, through his increasingly rapid development, his unshakable willpower and ability to combine inner mystical soul manipulation with spiritual blood magic active, he can soon unlock the uniquely devastating Blood Domain Expansion.
This would equip Itadori and his allies with the vital power to finally defeat the nearly invincible Sukuna. As the fateful battle continues, readers anxiously await the next dazzling display of Itadori’s growing power.