The live-action manga adaptation premiered in Japan on January 12 – Manga “Innai Keisatsu: Asclepius no Hebi” belong to Tsutomu Sakai and Ichi Hayashi will officially end in the next issue of the magazine Young Champion belong to Akita Shoten on the day October 22. This information was revealed in issue 21 of the magazine on Tuesday.
Plot of “Innai Keisatsu: Asclepius no Hebi”
The comic series revolves around Kawamotoan office worker who manages the “police box” at a general hospital. One day, he discovered the presence of Detective Murai from Tondemo Hospital, along with the return of Genius surgeon Sakakibara. From here, a tense confrontation takes place between the doctor and the detective, taking the audience on a journey that combines elements of medical and detectivefull of drama and surprises.
Manga's journey
Sakai and Hayashi launched the manga in the magazine Young Champion in 2021. Up to now, Akita Shoten published eighth episode of the series on August 20. With a unique plot and a combination of medicine and detective work, this manga has received the love of many readers.
Television film adaptation
“Innai Keisatsu: Asclepius no Hebi” not only impressed the manga world but also inspired one television adaptationpremiered on January 12. The film continues to further explore the tension and confrontation between doctors and detectives in the hospital environment, increasing the appeal and drama of the story.