The Immortal Journey (Tien Hiep) skin series born late after giving birth to LoL was mercilessly stoned, players had to rely on ‘intervention’ technology to save it.
The Tien Hiep skin series in League of Legends (LoL) is one of the most prominent skin lines of this game. The design of these skins is inspired by the theme of ancient Chinese martial arts. We can easily see that the common point of this series of costumes are all sword master characters with traditional and fanciful styles in familiar classic martial arts works.
The generals in the Tien Hiep costume series often put on gorgeous and stylish long wings, creating the aura of the fairy sages in the swordplay movie.
Blue, yellow, white, purple are the popular colors of this costume background, highlighting the brilliance and diversity of the fairy universe.
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When it was first released in Summoner’s Rift, this series of skins has made a deep impression on gamers by its extremely sophisticated design and eye-catching animation, bringing them to China easily. From Irelia Holy Sword, Master Yi Thien Kiem, Talon Huyen Kiem, Fiora Phi Kiem all received warm praise and gratitude from the community. League of Legends.
To continue the success of this clothing line, Riot Games constantly creating more junior costume lines with new names appearing in the product. But sadly, the series of costumes Immortal Journey (Tien Hiep) just released in 2023 this time did not catch the eyes of the fans, and they did not stop criticizing and claiming that Riot was deliberately ‘running KPI’ when creating skins. ‘not suitable’ for the nature and image of such champions (eg Zeri’s case is a prime example).
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But that’s okay, the gaming community was able to save it by giving AI into costume creation. Because the beauty of this technology is very suitable for the tastes of players, the ‘main Zeri’ have ‘washed alum’ for their champions through the impressive drawing of AI.
Tien Hiep products after being “rescued” by AI
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