Leveraging the power of the Attack Hammer and the Triple Hop after being buffed, this ‘main Darius’ guy has made a super fire split pusher build in League of Legends!
Darius is a quite popular Top lane champion in the game League of Legends, with a powerful damage skill set, players constantly create different new gameplay for this card. Recently, a boy one champ Darius has a Youtube channel Darius Vinh Phuc created a super unique gameplay for Darius, which is to build specialized items for pushing turrets for this general.
Referring to the two words ‘cylindrical’, perhaps people only think of generals like Yorick, Sion, but never imagined that they would bring Darius become a pillar machine. However, with an arena where the meta is constantly rotating, and the weird gameplay is increasingly taking over, there is nothing called ‘impossible’.
Therefore, building items that work for split pushing like the Attack Hammer for Darius also becomes extremely effective and gamers can fully take advantage.
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First, to optimize the power of Darius, should choose the right rune table. With a strong close-knit skill set, Darius’s power potential is immense in the early game. Accuracy and Conquer is the main rune of this ‘boy one champ’ choice, with a champion that fights in the long run in combat like Dari, accumulating power from Conquest is an impossible gem. more perfect.
Next is Dac Thang to restore health every time there is a kill, Legend of Attack Speed will give Darius more attack speed every time he joins a fight. Finally, the Last Stand to help Darius deal more damage with low health.
The Sub-Branch will be Inspiration with Biscuit Delivery and Cosmic Insights. This rune will help Darius stay in lane longer by adding Health and Skill Regen Biscuits.
In terms of equipment, Choose the Three Hop Sword and the Attack Hammer are two necessary items in pushing turrets. These two items have just been buffed in the current version so taking advantage of them to ‘odd push’ is extremely wise.
Next comes Sterak’s Claw and Barbed Shoe to help Darius has an extra layer of stamina, enhanced control in spectacular teamfights. Finally, Angel Armor for an extra respawn at the end of the game.
Darius is a champion with outstanding strength in combat, a suitable choice for players who like to carry teams. Serve you in the journey to climb rank. Despite being a strong champion, the way to map and build the rune table will also greatly affect the champion, so please refer to the build map in this article or other ‘main Darius’ lesson plans to get an effective and suitable gameplay for you!
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