After receiving the ‘fog’ buff from Riot Games, these two champions seemed to suddenly ‘turn into chaos’, causing League of Legends gamers to pity themselves and want to quit the game.
Riot Games still doesn’t seem to know how to satisfy fans when it comes to balancing their champions. Recently, League of Legends gamers once again ‘screamed’ because of the unexpected dominance of Jarvan IV and Tryndamere in the current meta. They shared that, with the absurd sweeping power of these two characters, they no longer want to enter the game to experience it and will quit the game until these two cards are nerfed.
Listen to this player’s feelings, NPT The plan is to revise the power of these two factors in the 13.18 update League of Legends (scheduled to air on September 13). It can be seen that season 13 of the game has witnessed the ups and downs of generals on the power rankings. Tryndamere and Jarvan IV are the next two faces that are considered too strong since update 13.17. These two generals dominated Summoner’s Rift over the past few weeks, making it extremely frustrating for players to face them.
According to statistics from U.GG, Javan IV currently has a win rate of up to 53.01% across all ranked levels. The fellow brother is Tryndamere also proved to be no less competitive with a win rate of up to 51.47%. So what makes these two characters so successful in the arena?
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The biggest reason certainly comes from their proportionality to the equipment they use. Tryndamere turned into ‘chaos’ with the Reflecting Hammer, Jarvan IV went wild with the Shojin Spear and the Vamping Hammer.
Normally we wouldn’t see such a sudden increase in win rate. However, because these items have been heavily buffed, especially through the health they provide, Jarvan IV and Tryndamere become nearly invincible.
This concern of players has been discovered by Riot and promises to make adjustments for these two champions in the next version. However, before the new version of League of Legends takes over, you can still take advantage of the power of these two cards to climb the rankings these days.
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