Don’t worry with the series of changes in patch 12.13, let’s find out the generals that will help you climb the rank quickly.
Top lane: DariusDarius still holds the top lane in patch 12.13. Although not popular in professional competition, in the solo queue environment, Darius proved to be superior with a very high win rate and pick rate.
Darius’s kit allows him to have a good amount of damage without too much equipment, right from level 4, the bonus AD from Passive – Hemorrhage and Conquer helps him reach 151 AD – twice as much as most regular champions, making it easy for him to overtake every opponent early on. Q – Slaughter will still be a great healer and will make it easy for Darius to do 2-3 enemy handicaps. E – Strike gives him a massive armor penetration of up to 35% – greater than the stats provided by Dominik’s Crossbow, along with the famous R – Noxus Slasher, Darius will let all opponents know the feeling of helplessness what.
Jungle: Wukong
After being buffed with the ability to cross the terrain, Wukong has become a monster in the jungle as he has been one of the top junglers since MSI 2022. With a skill set without directional moves, Ngo No will be suitable for all ranks.
Wukong doesn’t have the ability to clear monsters too quickly, but is very safe, consuming little health with his Iron Skin Passive for a large amount of Armor and Heal. Extremely strong hand-to-hand ability also helps My Hau Vuong perform situations to invade the enemy’s forest. Combo equipped with Hammer of God Slayer – Dance of Death – Mace of Thorns Malmortius turns Wukong into a monster in teamfights with enough stamina and recovery. W – Clone and E – Can Dau Van will be great tools to approach a teamfight, combined with R – Tornado will mess up the entire enemy squad with knock-ups. Remember, Ngo Khong is not a mere tankier to open a fight, he is also a source of “reputable” damage, if he succeeds in defeating the opponent’s Mage general, this monkey is completely capable. can “take it all alone”.
Mid Lane: Vex
As a relatively new champion in the League of Legends universe, Vex has always been the favorite choice of professional players, the Unpleasant Mage causes a huge “discomfort” to all enemies with a terrifying amount of control. and the amount of damage cannot be underestimated.
In terms of laning, Vex is not bored with Assassins – The nightmare of fragile mages, she can clear minions very quickly and continuously push assassins who will be completely “discarded” if not roam to other lanes, if he chooses to dry up with Vex, she simply needs one Panic to get out of a dangerous situation. Moves to the wings or invades the jungle with Vex’s teammates will also become deadly with the ultimate move Shadow of Destiny approaching enemies from a great distance.
Although the laning is quite strong, but Vex only really shines in combat, the Yordle girl can actively initiate a fight with R – The Shadow of the Dead rushes in and then Panic the whole enemy team and finish the enemy champions paper blood with E Q combo. Another way to play is that you will turn Vex into “Draw”, wait for the enemy to have low health and run out of maneuvers and then launch R – Shadow of Death, for each kill, you will regenerate the cooldown of your ultimate and continue to sweep the rest of the teamfight.
Bottom lane: Sivir
Only after the skill tweak in patch 12.13, Sivir immediately rose to the OP rated champion (Overpower – Too strong for the common ground) on the statistics page What makes Sivir different is her extremely fast clearing speed, making it easy for her to farm to large items in the power of the enemy team.
Sivir can go with all types of supports, giving an advantage during the pick and ban phase when it is very difficult for the opponent to predict your play. If combined with Karma, Sivir will destroy opponents from the laning phase and contribute significantly in teamfights by constantly buffing movement speed for the whole squad. And when combined with initiating supports such as Nautilus, Leona, Amumu, … Sivir will become a damage machine with W – Bounces on the entire opponent’s squad. However, Sivir still has a weakness in attack range, keep a good position and use E – Magic Shield reasonably to keep her life against threats from opponents.
Support: Nautilus
Nautilus is a support champion that has never ceased to be hot whether in solo queue or pro. With a skill set that has a lot of control effects, allowing Nautilus to lock down an opponent’s carry (main damage). The next 12.14 version will nerf directly on buff support champions, why not practice Titan right from this version?
Nautilus is suitable for a gunner champion with large output damage, especially in the early game to easily take advantage like Samira, Kaisa, Tristana, Draven,….Every time you throw Q – Anchor Hook, it’s exactly you. Considered to have a kill in hand. It doesn’t matter if he accidentally kills the gunner, Nautilus will have more resistance equipment to complement his already very thick W shield, combined with Aftershock he is almost impossible to defeat. . Nautilus also has the ability to move to support teammates very well, as long as teammates have damage to finish, it will be an easy kill. At the end of the game, you will become a true control machine, master it. Actively open the fight and shield your teammates, if you see the opponent’s gunner standing in the wrong position, don’t hesitate to use R – Water Thunder Seeking Heat to put him in a position to retreat. In general, Nautilus is quite easy to play, easy to win and suitable for those who have “autofill” support positions.
See Also: League of Legends: Guide to Playing Sivir – The Strongest ADC Version 12.13