The game maker buffs the strength of the team with Caesar the Tyrant, the official late game general in Mobile Union?
Not long ago, an adjustment ‘phase’ from the Lien Quan Mobile balance team made the power of late-hit squads greatly reduced, specifically reducing the amount of gold after shutting down the enemy. This makes it even more difficult to hug late.
However, that alone is not enough, recently Timi continued to tweak the power of Caesar Tyrant II, directly bringing late game generals back to ‘Earth Core’. If this is applied at the official server, almost the top and mid-game strong generals will become a craze and boom in Lien Quan Mobile.
Specifically, when eating Caesar Tyrant II, the eater will summon Caesar II in any lane they want. It is worth mentioning that right now, instead of just releasing Caesar to move as before, there will now be an extra shock wave from our side’s base passing through the line of soldiers on the selected lane to the enemy base creating Con Caesar Street.
The shock wave will instantly destroy all minions in the selected lane and the gold will be increased by 30% divided equally among the team. The champion and Caesar at the vanguard of Caesar’s Path gain 10% bonus immunity along with a 10% increase in damage dealt to turrets.
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These changes will not apply to Caesar the Tyrant III. That is, once your team loses the bet at the beginning of the game, there will be almost no chance to drag the late game. Reduced gold on shutdown, can’t push minions up when losing Caesar Tyrant II. Everything seems to be working against champions that need time to ramp up like late game champions.
It seems that NPH is wanting the game to end quickly and the winning teams will continue to win, the losing teams will almost lose the opportunity to late. As a result, in the future, a series of late game generals will have to “go to the chicken coop”, typically Airi, Allain, or will be the hot pick champion Yorn.
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