Lookism Chapter 480 is a famous Manhwa series. Fans have been waiting Lookism Chap 480 released a long time ago.
With stories revolving around possible plot changes, character developments, and epic battles, readers are eagerly awaiting the release of the next Chapter.
First released in November 2014, Lookism revolves around a teenager who can switch between the body of a healthy and unattractive person and a tall and attractive man with a confident personality. .
Lookism Chapter 479 Summary
After Daniel shared the news about Noh Bakgu’s death, Park suddenly asked Daniel how he knew his name.
Park Jinyoung started screaming and holding his head, making Daniel realize that there was a problem with him.
Park suddenly starts using drugs, claiming that he just wants to erase all his past memories.
Park became scared and began to panic when he discovered he had used the wrong medicine. In agony, he violently hit his head on the floor.
Daniel tries to save him by grabbing him from behind, but the security guards realize they have entered the medical station due to Park’s loud commotion.
In the next part of Chap, the story moves to the young man’s warehouse. Daniel couldn’t understand what mistake they were making in the construction industry, while Zack Lee seemed to catch on right away.
However, Daniel confesses this to Zack and reveals that he met someone who may have information, but their relationship ended abruptly, forcing Daniel to leave.
Daniel then expressed his curiosity as to whether there had been any progress in discovering the truth.
According to Zack Lee, it looks like Jace is going through a rough patch right now.
During his conversation with Kouji, he clearly expressed his lack of interest in continuing to help the workers and emphasized that he did not have any real motivation to do so.
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Daniel expressed surprise at the difficulty of navigating through the Workers’ initial branch. He found them unlike any other branch he had ever encountered, comparing the experience to being lost in a maze, and he was eager to discover a way out.
Lookism Chap 480
Goo Kim enters the battle scene where Thing and four heads fight. He reveals his background and involvement with the Worker Force, and gives a summary of how the Thing came to be and its goals.
He also asks them to help him destroy the Thing as he shows them the machinery that can control it. He asserts that the Thing is dangerous to humanity and that no one else can stop it.
After hearing his shocking confession, the four chiefs debated whether to trust him or not. He wants to get rid of the Thing, but Daniel wants to know why. Goo Kim said he wanted to end the pain because he had no other choice.
He goes on to say that he wants revenge and holds a grudge against the creature. He gets ready to face the monster after activating the device. Kim will reveal that Goo is a member of the Worker Force and who he is.
Furthermore, he will clarify where the Thing comes from, what it does, and why he is so determined to eliminate it. He will shock the top four with his discovery, and they will have to decide whether they believe him or not.
The Thing in its truest form will then reveal itself and unleash its full power, becoming more terrifying than before.
Lookism Chapter 480 Release date
Having created a large fan base, Lookism engages people more as we move deeper into the Chapters.
While the new, larger audience tries to keep up with the latest updates, viewers who already love the series are having a blast reading it.
Fans wonder when they will be able to get their hands on Lookism’s newest Chapter. Each Chapter is released on time; Luckily, according to schedule, this Chapter was released on December 21, 2023.
Lookism Chapter 480 Raw release date
Now we know when Lookism Chapter 480 Raw Scan comes out, fans are in for a real treat. On December 18, 2023 , fans can finally read the raw scans of Chapter 480 that they have been eagerly waiting for.
This chapter will be very interesting, with many shocks and twists in the story that will make you wonder what will happen next.
Where to read Lookism
Supporting the cause is essential; Even as an avid anime watcher and manga reader, one should always keep in mind the writer’s efforts by following official websites and sources.
Purchasing a subscription gives you access to Manga/Mnhuas and additional free content that illegal sites may not offer.
Having a simple and fun interface, you can access the ‘ Webtoons app ‘ while the official website ‘ Naver ‘ does the job.
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