The comedy manga focuses on the girl's super weapon, the scientists who created her – On date Friday, Kadokawa announced that the manga is humorous “Alma-chan wa Kazoku ni Naritai” (Alma-chan Wants to Have a Family!) của Nanateru will be adapted into a television anime. To celebrate this event, author Nanateru drew a special picture.
Production Team Information
Kadokawa also announced the list of anime production staff, including prominent names:
Director: Yasuhiro Minami (Gintama, Turn A Gundam).
Script monitoring: Yukie Sugawara (Overlord mùa 1-4, Kino’s Journey – the Beautiful World-).
Character design: Mika Yamamoto (ClassicaLoid, Tiger & Bunny 2).
Production studio: Studio Flat.
Story Content
“Alma-chan wa Kazoku ni Naritai” is a humorous story that revolves around Almaa super powerful weapon designed to look like a girl, and two genius scientists Enji Kamisato together Suzume Yobaneher creators.
Despite her outstanding strength, Alma longs to have a real family, opening up many funny and sad situations.
Information About Manga
The original manga is posted on the website Comic Newtype by Kadokawa. Currently, there is 3 manga volumes published, with the third volume released on March 2024. A sequel titled “Alma-chan wa Kazoku ni Naritai Z” was released on Comic Newtype on the day July 31 and is still continuing.