Manga by Abi Umeda launched in 2013, adapted for TV anime in 2017 – The September issue of Akita Shoten’s Monthly Mystery Bonita magazine revealed on Friday that the manga Children of the Whales (Kujira no Kora wa Sajō ni Utau) by Abi Umeda will end in its 23rd volume. The manga’s 22nd volume will ship on August 16.
The manga reached its climax in February 2020.
In an endless sea of sand drifting Mud Whale, a floating island city of clay and magic. In its chambers, a small community clings to survival, most of which die young from the very power that sustains them.
Chakuro is a 14-year-old master of the Mud Whale, an island boat that floats on an endless sea of sand. Most of the inhabitants of the Mud Whale possess India which grants them the ability to use thymia, a special power, but in return the lifespan of those possessing India is often very short. Chakuro and his friends had stumbled across other islands, but they had never met, seen or even heard of anyone else outside. One day, Chakuro visits an island as big as the Mud Whale and meets a girl who will change her destiny.
Umeda launched the series in Monthly Mystery Bonita in 2013 as her second shoujo manga. Akita Shoten published the 21st compiled book volume on February 16. Viz Media published the manga’s 19th volume on March 15.
The manga got a television anime adaptation that premiered in October 2017. Netflix premiered the anime outside of Japan in 2018. The anime also had two original anime videos (OVAs) that were released in January and March. 2018.