Robinson Haruhara focuses on his health after his recent hospitalization – Famous comic series Tis Time for “Torture,” Princess (Hime-sama, “Gōmon” no Jikan Desu) by Robinson Haruhara and Hirakei will be on hiatus for one month. This information was announced on Tuesday, citing author Haruhara's need for time to focus on recovering from a hospitalization in early November.
Haruhara's health condition
Haruhara was hospitalized for many days because The uvula is swollen after experiencing repeated colds. However, the author said they have now recovered well and have returned to work, including:
Outline the layout for new chapters.
Supervised the production of the anime adaptation.
The series is expected to return on the same day December 31.
Summary of the manga's plot
The series brings a story full of humor and creativity: A princess is captured by the Hellhorde and has to endure seemingly brutal but extremely strange “tortures”. The story blending humor and intelligence has created its own appeal, attracting many fans since its debut in April 2019 on Shueisha's Shonen Jump+ service.
Information about the anime adaptation
Part 1: Premiered January 8, with 12 episodes, broadcast on Tokyo MX and BS11. Crunchyroll streamed the series as soon as it aired.
Part 2: Confirmed and will be broadcast globally by Crunchyroll, including regions: North America, South America, Europe, Africa, Middle East, Southeast Asia, and more. The release date has not yet been revealed.
Message from Haruhara
Despite facing health challenges, Haruhara thanked readers and pledged to bring more interesting chapters when he returns. The support and love from fans will be a great motivation for the author's creative journey.