Maboroshi, an anime film directed by Mari Okada and animated by MAPPA, will premiere on Netflix on January 15. Audiences are eagerly waiting for this collaboration between two famous figures in the anime industry . The film explores a supernaturally forbidden love story, a premise that may not be groundbreaking but promises to be worth watching thanks to Okada’s experience and MAPPA’s expertise. Maboroshi joins other highly anticipated anime series in 2024, such as Dandadan, Solo Leveling and season 2 of Oshi no Ko, showing that this year will be filled with notable releases in the anime world .
Streaming service Netflix revealed that it will launch Maboroshian animated film directed by famous creator Mari Okada and animated by MAP. Both are already big names in the anime industry, so needless to say, the audience will flock to watch the results of this dream team. The wait won’t be long either as the film will be released on January 15.
Mari Okada is a prolific writer and director, so it makes sense that Netflix would want to get something exclusive from her work. The idea of a supernaturally forbidden love story may not be the most groundbreaking idea, but between Okada’s experience and MAPPA’s expertise, Maboroshi is certainly worth a try.
It looks like 2024 will continue to be filled with more popular anime than ever, as Maboroshi will join other hot series that have been announced, such as Dandadan, Solo Leveling, and season 2 of Oshi no Ko.
Netflix’s trailer comes with a synopsis in the description, setting the stage for the film:
14-year-old Masamune lives in a town where the flow of time has stopped after an explosion at a steel factory has sealed off all escape routes. In the hope that one day everything will return to normal, the town makes a rule that nothing can be changed, and Masamune experiences days of depression. One day, his mysterious and attractive classmate Mutsumi leads him into the blast furnace at the steel factory. There, he finds Itsumi, a girl who cannot speak and acts like a wild wolf. Masamune’s encounter with these two girls begins to erode the world’s balance. What future awaits the unstoppable urge to love?
Romance stories in anime are quite popular these days, especially since Makoto Shinkai’s Your Name and Weathering With You created expectations for sumptuous visuals that could complement the emotions a couple feels. possible couple, which could easily have apocalyptic consequences. The same can be said here, with MAPPA only making the visuals a little clearer, as glowing cracks in the environments – and on the victims – reveal the threat the town is facing. face. There is no doubt that, even with a familiar formula, Mari Okada will be more than familiar with its way of touching viewers’ hearts.
Mari Okada has made a name for herself since her debut work DT Eightron in 1998. Since then, she has written scripts for a variety of anime, from Basilisk to Rozen Maiden to A Whisker Away, many in That number has been held. highly appreciated by critics. Maboroshi will be the second film she has directed, following her first film Maquia: When the Promised Flower Blooms in 2018. Despite her excellent writing, the five-year difference between her directorial roles makes Maboroshi become noticeable. Netflix will easily attract an audience from those who just want to see how Okada handles his second film.
Supernaturally isolated locations and romances with mysterious girls are time-honored plot devices. Netflix even released Bubble in 2022, which resembles the setting of Maboroshi, although its subject matter leans more towards science fiction and the scenes focus more on action. Netflix’s Maboroshi trailer, which focuses more on drama and emotion, shows that even between the films there is enough difference in intent, even if it is treading on familiar ground . The audience may be more willing to accept it Maboroshi when it launches on Netflix on January 15, 2024.
Source: YouTube (Netflix)