Kodoani.com – On Saturday, Sunrise officially revealed a new television anime project in the Wataru series, titled Mashin Sōzōden Wataru. The introduction video revealed the silhouette of the main character along with the appearance of a new Mashin named “Ryūjinmaru.”
This is a special event, marking the 35th anniversary of Sunrise’s original Mashin Eiyūden Wataru anime series premiering in Japan.
Mashin Eiyūden Wataru, the main anime series, aired in 1988. It was followed by Mashin Eiyūden Wataru 2 in 1990, and Chō Mashin Eiyūden Wataru in 1997. The anime series has also been expanded with three anime videos from 1989 to 1993.
The new project, Mashin Eiyūden Wataru Shichi Tamashii no Ryūjinmaru (Seven-Souled Ryūjinmaru), is a collaboration between anime studio Sunrise and Bandai Spirits’ Tamashii Nations toy brand in the world of Wataru.
Starting in April 2020, the anime premiered on Bandai Spirits’ YouTube channel and continued to stream online for nine episodes.
The film is titled Mashin Eiyūden Wataru Shichi Tamashii no Ryūjinmaru – Saikai and was officially shown in Japanese theaters in January 2022.
The project’s story revolves around main character Wataru, who begins a new journey when he goes to the world of Sōkaizan to resolve an incident. A dark power covers the area, and the power of the robot Ryūjinmaru is sealed. Supported by his friends Shibaraku, Toraō and Himiko, Wataru sets out on a new adventure.