Episode #4 of Metallic Rouge expands on the individual characterizations and overall plot of the anime. Episodes release on Crunchyroll on January 31 at specific times based on different time zones. The series includes an allegory of racism through the struggles of the Neans and their fight for change.
Metallic red episode #4 will continue to build out the world of this exciting new anime after the previous season greatly expanded on the show in terms of individual characterizations and overall lore.
As with previous episodes, Studio Bones’ Metal Rouge releases exclusively on Crunchyroll, accessible through their app, directly from their website, or through Amazon Prime. Assuming no delay, Metallic red episode #4 will be available to stream on Wednesday, January 31 at 10:25 a.m. PST, 1:25 p.m. Eastern Standard Time (EST) and 6:25 Greenwich Mean Time (GMT).
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In Metallic Rouge #3, “Marginal City”, Rouge and Naomi travel to Wellstown to track down Phantom Verde, another member of the Immortal Nine believed to be hiding in the local Nean community. After the two argued about the idea of freedom, Rouge herself went to the Nean community, enlisting the help of Afdal Bashal, the doctor she and Naomi met in episode #2. There, Rouge witnessed how difficult life was for the Neans due to human persecution and encounter Free Neans Council, a protest group supporting the freedom of Neans.
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The leader of the Free Neans Council, Juval, asked Rouge, who they knew was a Nean capable of defying the Asimov Code, to join them and become a symbol of their movement, but Rouge did not know how to answer? Things become even more complicated when Rouge discovers Juval’s corpse in a clear and obvious setting was immediately charged with his murder. What’s worse is that news of Juval’s death was leaked to the local police, most likely by Phantom Verde, and they decided to use it as an excuse to launch an attack on the Nean community. .
With episode #3 of Metallic Rouge, the drama has begun fully embracing its racist allegory through the Neans and the persecution they endured from humans. The Neans’ struggles played a bit into the series premiere and were largely unresolved in episode #2, but episode #3 brought it full circle again and showed just how bad the Neans are and how bad they are. How willing are you to change your furniture? It should be made clear that this will be the main focus of Metallic redand it will be interesting to see how episode #4 and beyond develops it.
Be sure to watch Metallic red episode #4 when released on January 31.
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