Recently in a poll to see the satisfaction level of gamers about the additional game package of the PSN Plus Premium service in July, the level of dissatisfaction is quite high, up to 61%.
If the Extra package is very welcome, up to 61% of gamers are not satisfied with the July PSN Premium game package
Specifically, recently, Sony has officially confirmed the list of games that will land on Sony’s new services such as PSN Plus Extra and Premium in July as follows:
PS Plus Extra July 2022:
Assassin’s Creed IV Black Flag (PS4)
Assassin’s Creed Rogue Remastered (PS4)
Assassin’s Creed: Freedom Cry (PS4)
Assassin’s Creed: The Ezio Collection (PS4)
Assassin’s Creed Unity (PS4)
Final Fantasy VII Remake (PS4)
Final Fantasy VII Remake Intergrade (PS5)
Ice Age: Scrat’s Nutty Adventure (PS4)
Jumanji The Video Game (PS4)
Marvel’s Avengers (PS5, PS4)
Paw Patrol on a Roll! (PS4)
ReadySet Heroes (PS4)
Saints Row IV: Re-Elected (PS4)
Saints Row Gat out of Hell (PS4)
Spirit of the North: Enhanced Edition (PS5)
Stray (PS5, PS4)
PS Plus Premium July 2022
LocoRoco Midnight Carnival (PSP)
No Heroes Allowed! (PSP)
Although it was highly appreciated, No Heroes Allowed was not enough to pull back the positive level of PSN Premium in July.
With this list, in the Plus Extra segment, the satisfaction level of gamers is up to 73% out of a total of 1019 votes (based on PushSquare’s data). This is understandable because besides the quality names that can be labeled old, there is also a name that is expected by many gamers, which is Stray, so unsatisfied gamers are also wasted. But on the PSN Plus Premium side in July, everything was completely the opposite. proportional. Here Game4V does not want to discuss the quality of the game because both games in the Premium package have quite a special quality, No Heroes Allowed! Once upon a time, Game4V was greatly obsessed with graphics with a plot that goes against the usual RPG games, so the gameplay of the game so far has not been replaced by any other game. But PSN Plus Premium users are mostly fastidious gamers, they don’t mind spending money to experience the best service packages, of which of course a number of quality Classic games are indispensable, but not only in the month. 7 that since its launch until now, Sony has never shown the attraction of the PSN Plus Premium package, even now many people think that they created the Premium package as bait and the real GamePass killer is the package. Extra. But no matter what, if Sony wants to maintain the PSN Premium package, they should find a way to upgrade the game quality on this service pack.