It was one of the first times Xiang was strangely proud of the woman he married. The next outing will deal with Xiang and Isabella learning of the attack. Here’s everything you need to know about the upcoming episode.
In the sequel to the plot, fans will be able to see how Isabella plans to build a defense against the attacking clan. Fans of the manga were excited to step into one of the story’s most incredible war scenes.
Summary of the previous Chapter!
My Wife Is A Demon Queen Chapter 372 begins with Xiang being shocked at how Isabella was able to become Queen with her own skills and intelligence. She stood up on the steps, and she looked at Xiang most serenely. And so, a priestess was standing on the steps. Thus, the wedding finally began. The entire crowd is cheering for their new Queen.
Soon the fairies were seen flying into the sky. Chap is then transferred to Emery, who is hoping all the luck and prosperity for the two of them. The end of Chap sees a nice and healthy outing. This chapter has ended, the two of them look at the most beautiful fireworks and hope for a prosperous future ahead.
My Wife Is The Queen Chapter 373: What Happens Next?
My Wife Is Demon Queen’s next outing counts for a serious outing. All festivals and ceremonies will come to an end. During the last outing, it was seen that the Demon Kingdom was under attack. But Isabella knew nothing of this. This is the time when one of the liars will come and tell the husband and wife about the same thing.
So all celebrations will be stopped immediately. She will attend a board meeting to get an assessment of the whole situation. And so, a final attack plan will be created. Second half of My Wife Is A Demon Queen Chap 373 will be action scenes and full of drama.
My Wife Is A Demon Queen Chapter 373: Release Date
Fans will be able to catch up with all the chaos going on here and there. But what is more interesting to see is that Isabella’s plan will fail in the future. My Wife Is A Demon Queen Chap 373 will release this week without break. The final release date is June 17, 2022. Fans can only view all the chapters on the official Naver, Webtoon and Kakaopage sites.
Also Read: One Piece Chapter 1053: Release Date & Spoiler
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