GENCO co-produces the series with Tezuka Productions, animated by M2 – Netflix announced during its panel at Anime Expo on Saturday that the anime series is adapting the manga. Pluto Naoki Urasawa’s will premiere on October 26. The event also reveals the full cast and staff.
The full cast of the anime includes:
Executive Producer: Masao Maruyama, Taro Maki , Yuji Yamano Director: Toshio Kawaguchi Character Designer, Animation Supervisor Director: Shigeru Fujita Creative Advisor: Naoki Urasawa Animation Director: Kazunori Aoki, Itaru Saito Director CG & SFX actors: Takahiro Miyata Art Director: Chikako Shibata Cinematography: Mitsuhiro Sato Sound Direction by: Masafumi Mima Music by: Yūgo Kanno Animation Produced by: Studio M2 Producer: GENCO
Voice cast:
Shinshu Fuji voices Gesicht Yoko Hikasa voices Atom Minori Suzuki voices Uran Hiroki Yasumoto voices Montblanc Kōichi Yamadera voices North No.2 Hidenobu Kiuchi voices Brando Rikiya Koyama voices Hercules Mamoru Miyano voices Epsilon Toshihiko Seki voices Pluto
The adaptation of producer Takashi Nagasaki’s Pluto manga recreates the world depicted in Osamu Tezuka’s Astro Boy manga. The series ran in Shogakukan’s Big Comic Original magazine from 2003 to 2009, and it has eight compiled volumes.
In a distant future where sentient cyborgs replace humans, someone or something will destroy the world’s seven great robots. Europol’s top detective, Gesicht, is tasked with investigating these mysterious serial murders – the only notable thing being that he himself is one of the seven targets.
Universal Pictures and Illumination Entertainment purchased the film rights from Tezuka Productions for a planned live-action/computer graphics (CG) film about Pluto in 2010.