The Three Kingdoms series, also known as Dynasty Warrior, is considered legendary in the hearts of many gamers in Vietnam and around the world.
Associated with many people's childhood, Dynasty Warrior has hardly been mentioned by many people in recent years. Partly because this genre is gradually becoming old with the development of the gaming industry, but more importantly, recent versions of Dynasty Warrior are of quite poor quality. But everything seems to have changed with Dynasty Warriors Origins about to launch.
It will reach gamers and Steam users on January 17, but right now, Dynasty Warriors Origins has received quite positive scores.
Specifically, on Metacritic, the game received a rating of up to 80 – thereby becoming the game with the highest score ever in the Dynasty Warriors series. Previous versions rarely reached 70 and were typically rated at 60-65. Returning to Dynasty Warriors Origins, gamers will still experience the feeling of hack and slash with small units, but at the same time have to be wary when enemy commanders and generals appear.
The variety in character building styles also plays an important role in the proficiency of each weapon type. This also partly compensates for the fact that Dynasty Warriors Origins is said to lack strong role-playing elements like Elden Ring. However, the plot is a big plus point of Dynasty Warriors Origins. The game is set nearly two thousand years ago during the Han Dynasty of China and begins with the Yellow Turban Rebellion deployed in a very coherent way.
Dynasty Warriors: Origins successfully combines nostalgia with impressive, modern-day technology. Therefore, this will be a blockbuster worth waiting for when it launches on January 17.