Premiering on January 6, 2024, Pon No Michi or The Way of Pon is an anime that revolves around the life of Nashiko, who stumbles upon the exciting game Mahajong. She decides to renovate her father’s old game store and spends time learning how to play games.
Pon No Michi Episode 2 will air this weekend! The anime made viewers laugh with its interesting and light plot. The episode ends with the introduction of a new character, Riche, who will likely join them in future Mahajong matches.
With her friends Pai, Izumi and a sparrow who can speak in tongues that only she can understand, Nashiko begins her Mahajong journey. However, it seems they weren’t the only ones enjoying that classic living room game.
The episode begins with Nashiko being kicked out of the house by her biological mother for being too noisy. She caused a ruckus during her live “concert” and the noise became too annoying. Nashiko pointed at her mother for kicking her out and walked away.
Her friend Pai, who witnessed this whole incident, also followed behind. Nashiko’s mother gently told Pai that she should try to tame her friend, Pai smiled and said that she would leave. She soon meets Nashiko sitting on a bench in the park and tells her that maybe they should postpone the meeting at her place for a while.
As they were talking and discussing places they could go out, Nashiko received a call from her father. He tells her he can go to the old game room he has and use it to hang out with her friends. Hearing that, Nashiko rushed with Pai to the location after the call.
When they arrived, Nashiko’s father left her a note saying that if she cleaned up the place she could have the place for herself. The two realized that this job needed more people, so Pai went to pick up their friend Izumi.
While Nashiko was cleaning around, she came across boxes filled with Mahajong items, and when she picked up a brick, a small sparrow appeared. He claims to be the spirit of Mahajong and takes it upon himself to teach Nashiko how to play.
Pai returned to the living room with Izumi and they were all curious about the Mahajong table. Izumi and Pai already knew a little about the game, so it was Nashiko’s turn to learn how to play the game through a very reliable source – manga about Mahajong.
At this point, Izumi has named the sparrow Chonbo, and the four of them begin their intense Mahajong match after Nashiko has memorized all the rules. However, it seemed like none of them were following them, and Nashiko won with scary beginner’s luck.
After the match, they all started cleaning up again and after many hours of hard work, they finished the job. By then the game room was bright and clean. Nashiko waved goodbye to Izumi and Pai and prepared to leave.
As Nashiko was moving the game room’s sign, she came across a woman who was amazed by the place. Introducing herself as Hayashi Riche, she tells Nashiko how much she loves the game store. Since this place is now open, she often comes to play mahjong.
Release date and where to watch
Pon No Michi Episode 2 will air next Saturday, January 13, 2023. Anime’s upcoming episode release dates and times in different time zones are provided below for your convenience:
- Japan Standard Time: 1:53 a.m. Saturday, January 13, 2024
- Central European Time: 5:53 p.m. Friday, January 12, 2024
- New York: 23:53 Friday, January 12, 2024
- Australian Capital Territory: 1:23 am Saturday, 13 January 2024
- Pacific Time: 8:53 a.m. Friday, January 12, 2024
- Eastern European Time: 11:53 a.m. Friday, January 12, 2024
All episodes of Pon No Michi will be available to watch on Amazon Prime Video and Crunchyroll in select regions. For those in Japan, MBC channels the Anime regularly on television and can be accessed via local cable with episodes airing every Saturday.