The main cast of the Spy x Family anime once again appeared in a live stream to draw special illustrations, this time for the finale of the Cruise Adventure arc. Takuya Eguchi, Atsumi Tanezaki, Saori Hayami, and Kenichiro Matsuda each did their own hand-drawn sketches of the events in Season 2 episode 9, titled “The Hand That Connects the Future.” The illustrations were later posted in color on X (formerly Twitter).
These are the first special illustrations of Spy x Family Season 2 since the live shows of the first season including episode 4, episode 12 and episode 16. Check out the cast and illustration of episode 34 of they are below:
Spy x Family’s first special illustration for the Cruise Adventure arc is by actor Kenichiro Matsuda, who narrates the anime and voices Bond. He drew his illustration with Anya holding Yor’s weapon, Twilight in disguise, and Yor performing a flying kick.
The second illustration was drawn by Atsumi Tanezaki, Anya’s voice actress. Her illustration shows Anya’s iconic “Hope Rising,” Yor’s finishing move, and Twilight running to throw the ticking bomb into the ocean.
Meanwhile, Saori Hayami, the voice actress of Yor, also drew the events of “Rising Hope” with the addition of enemies, journey settings, fireworks and scenes of Twilight defusing bombs backstage.
The final Spy x Family special illustration in the Cruise Adventure section is by Takuya Eguchi, the voice actor of Twilight/Loid Forger. His illustration shows Princess Yor/Thorn in an intense and bloody rooftop battle against assassins, including a background of fireworks.
Also read:Yor Forger and Chun-Li face off in the latest Spy x Family – Street Fighter 6 Collaboration VideoSpy x Family Part 2 – The Forgers’ yachting adventure has a happy ending
Spy x Family is based on the manga by Tatsuya Endo. The first season of the anime aired in April 2022 and had a total of 25 episodes. Additionally, an upcoming movie titled “SPY x FAMILY CODE: White” will premiere in December in Japan. Meanwhile, Spy x Family Season 2 is currently streaming and is expected to have 13 episodes. WIT Studio and CloverWorks are handling the series’ animation.
Crunchyroll streams the anime and describes the plot as follows: World peace is threatened and secret agent Twilight must undergo her most difficult mission yet—pretending to be a family man. Playing the role of a loving husband and father, he will infiltrate an elite school to get close to a high-ranking politician. He has the perfect cover, except his wife is a deadly assassin and they both don’t know each other’s identities. But someone did it, his adopted daughter has telepathic abilities!
Source: Official Spy x Family X (formerly Twitter)© Tatsuya Endo, Shueisha / Spy x Family Project