Director Seiji Mizushima, screenwriter Gen Urobuchi, producer Kouichi Noguchi announced the project – Toei Animation has revealed that the creative team behind the CG anime film “Expelled from Paradise” 2014, including director Seiji Mizushima, screenwriter Gen Urobuchi and producer Kouichi Noguchi, will announce their new film project during the Virtual Anime Fes event at ONN’ON Studios on January 27.
Seiji Mizushima revealed in November 2022 that the “Expelled from Paradise” creative team’s next project will premiere in spring 2023, but details of the project have yet to be announced. The latest announcement confirms the event and continues to keep information about their new project under wraps.
The new project stars Renji Ōki, a Nitroplus writer who wrote the spinoff novel “Expelled from Paradise”. Toei Animation’s CG director Kouichi Noguchi is also involved in the new project. However, there are no details about the plot or connection between the new story and “Expelled from Paradise”.
“Expelled from Paradise” debuted in November 2014 in Japan and received the Best Animation award at the 24th Japan Film Critics Awards in May 2015. The film was widely released on international markets and received positive reviews from audiences and critics.