Until now, the Badlanders VN community is finally able to enjoy the game experience in the most comfortable way on the PC screen.
At the moment, Badlanders VN is one of the best survival games on mobile. Although the survival genre is not as hot as it was a few years ago, Badlanders VN still has an extremely high-quality fan community and has been with the game since the early days.

And to create more newness for the game, recently Badlanders VN’s fanpage has announced a new update that makes many gamers excited.

Accordingly, Badlanders VN has officially entered the Alpha Test of the PC version. From now on, players can visit the game’s homepage: https://badlanders.vn/news-detail?id=3099510 and download the experience right away.
Having been expected by the community since Badlanders VN was officially launched, it can be said that the PC version of this game has really brought a whole new survival experience for anyone to try.

And Badlanders VN gamers quickly responded as enthusiastically as possible:

Still familiar stages such as survival, looting and defeating opponents, but now Badlanders VN gamers can more freely express themselves through the precision from the ultimate mouse and keyboard combo. Until watching the beautiful, vivid scenes from the game’s impressive graphics on the wide screen of the computer.
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Even Badlanders VN is clever in encouraging gamers who want to regularly play games on computer screens. By immediately giving away the exclusive giftcode below, players can use them right away to have a great advantage on the first day of fighting the PC version:
-Red capsule x30
-First Aid Backpack x1 (1 day)
-Gray Shirt Secret Service x1 (1 day)
Being able to meet the requirements and experiences of users continuously shows NPH’s listening and marketing moves in taking care of gamers. This proves that Viettel Media NPH is very interested in the Vietnamese market as well as affirms that the Badlanders VN community is very valued and paid attention to develop to go beyond other games of the same genre.
A little hint for you, this is just the beginning of a series of interesting events launched to celebrate the day Badlanders VN officially stepped on PC. Accordingly, right after the end of Alpha Test (July 13-15), the game will officially open the Close Beta without resetting, accompanied by a series of special events that players can follow at the fanpage.
Let’s wait and see what interesting events NPH Viettel Media will have for you.
From now on, don’t forget to download the PC version of Badlanders VN right away at: https://badlanders.vn/news-detail?id=3099510
Follow fanpage: https://www.facebook.com/ViettelBL.vn/