Animation studio Cloverworks announced a new original film titled Fureru, reuniting the creative team behind Anohana. The trailer and website provide minimal details, introducing three characters and a mysterious hedgehog. Fans hope that Fureru will deliver the same high emotions as previous works, with Cloverworks’ involvement further increasing expectations.
Animation studio Clover announced its latest original anime film, Fureru, with the biggest spotlight being the reunion of the creative trio behind the modern classic Anohana: The Flower We Saw That Day. The new website and trailer have very few details about the film’s premise, other than the presence of three characters and a mysterious hedgehog. Fureru is scheduled to launch in fall 2024.
Promotional material focuses on the collaboration of director Tatsuyuki Nagai, screenwriter Mari Okada and artist Masayoshi Tanaka, who together adopted the group name “Super Peace Busters”. Their last work was Her Blue Sky in 2019.
There’s a lot of community support for Fureru, with many Cloverworks fans hoping the new film will reignite the emotional heights the studio achieved years ago.
Fureru marks the fourth reunion of the beloved creative team
Created by Cloverworks
The trailer, currently hosted on Aniplex’s YouTube channel, showcases footage of the trio’s collaborations – Anohana, The Anthem of the Heart and Her Blue Sky – before revealing their new 2024 film . Besides the hand image, the image focuses on the mysterious yellow hedgehog character, along with the ominous drone in the trailer, along with its jagged, pointy shadow in the film’s poster , hinting at a dark secret behind its cute exterior. The trailer features brief text, which when translated reads: “We learned the secrets of the world and its pain…”. Additionally, neither the trailer nor the film’s website revealed any further details.
All three members of Super Peace Busters – named after the main characters in Anohana – are great creators in their fields. Okada in particular is popular, with her directorial work receiving rave reviews, including Maboroshi, which will begin streaming on Netflix in January. As a trio, however, Fureru marks the fourth time the group has collaborated again, which is why the film’s promotion emphasizes it. All of their previous works have tended to focus on dramas in ordinary Japanese locales, exaggerated by the presence of supernatural phenomena – ghosts, travel time, etc. – so Fureru’s mysterious hedgehog also has a theme.
The Anohana anime series remains a favorite among anime audiences, which is why the Super Peace Busters team continues to be so highly regarded. Although other details surrounding Fureru remain a mystery, it looks like anime fans have something to look forward to next year. Even if one is not into or unaware of the threesome, just know that Cloverworks is involved turned heads thanks to their recent successful products. The collaboration between so many groups was praised, Fureruwith its foreboding concern about dark and painful secrets, exemplified by its spiky mascot, it’s well worth a follow.
Source: YouTube (Aniplex), Anime News Network