Anime based on Saka Mikami's class-gap romance manga – At the event Aniplex Online Fest 2024 just took place on Monday, Aniplex announced that CloverWorks will be adapted to manga The Fragrant Flower Blooms With Dignity (Kaoru Hana wa Rin to Saku) by author Saka Mikami into a TV anime, scheduled to premiere on 2025.
Saka Mikami has drawn a special illustration to celebrate this announcement.
Kodansha USA Publishingthe English publisher of the manga, describes the story as follows:
High school Chidori is an all-boys school, where students with low grades and considered “scum” of society gather. Right next door is a girls' school. Kikyowhere wealthy and upper-class families send their daughters to study. The main character, Chesta second year student of Chidori, despite his fierce appearance, is a gentle person at heart. Rintaro helps out at his family's pastry shop and coincidentally meets Kaorukoa girl with a gentle personality and the two immediately feel a sense of harmony. However, their peace is soon broken when Rintaro discovers that Kaoruko is actually a student at Kikyo High. This causes many problems, especially since Kaoruko is unaware of the huge problem that the social gap between the two schools can cause. Will Rintaro and Kaoruko be able to overcome the obstacles set by society and their classmates to come together?
Additional information:
Manga first appeared on the website Magazine Pocket by Kodansha in October 2021.
Kodansha published the 13th volume of the manga on July 9, 2024.
Kodansha USA The second English volume was published on August 6, 2024.