The story revolves around a man who does whatever he wants during a zombie invasion – Frontier Works announced on Thursday that the novel series Zombie no Arureta Sekai de Ore Dake ga Osowarenai của Rokuro Uraji (I am the only one who is not attacked in the world filled with zombies.) will be adapted into an anime series and will air on AT-X.
The story of “zombie panic action” takes place in a world suddenly filled with zombies, and no one understands why the main character Takemura is the only one not attacked by the zombies. While if this were a regular zombie movie, Takemura could use this special ability to fight off hordes of zombies, in reality he is only acting according to his own personal will.
Rokuro Uraji posted this story on the R18 version of the Shōsetsuka ni Narō website in January 2013 and ended it in 2017. Frontier Works published three novel volumes with illustrations by Saburō between 2016 and 2017.
Chihiro Masuda adapted the story into a manga, which debuted in June 2021, and Frontier Works will release the third manga volume on February 5.