Despite saying goodbye to Worlds 2022 from the Warm-Up Round, Saigon Buffalo’s impressive performances still make many international fans excited.
Closing the Worlds 2022 Warm-Up Round, the only representative of VCS in this round – Saigon Buffalo lost to MAD Lions and stopped in the top 19-20 position of the tournament. But even after saying goodbye to Worlds 2022, SGB still received a lot of praise from the community for the performances as well as the mark that they had left.
Not only that, recently Riot Games has ranked the 10 best highlights at the 2022 World Championship Kick-off Round, in which the Vietnamese representative has been “rolled in” twice by Shogun and BeanJ.
Top 10 Plays of Play-Ins!
In more detail about the highlights in the Play-In Round, Aphelios’ Penta Kill shot in the hand of Shogun ranked in the top 8. It was also thanks to this “fire” screen that Shogun helped SGB conquer many fans at the tournament. international School.
Next was the “BeanJ 5head kill” phase in the match against MAD, this interesting highlight was ranked by Riot Games in the top 3 of the Warm-Up Round.
Last on this list is LeBlanc’s highlight phase in Xiaohu’s hand. It can be said that in the 2022 season, there have been many Baron robberies by mid laners, but most of them have the help of Punishment (Spell Book). Therefore, the lightning Baron robbery of the LPL representative made a strong impression at Worlds 2022.
See also: EDG spends hundreds of millions to support the home team at Worlds 2022