There are many champions who possess great power in TFT but are in quite difficult situations in League of Legends at the present time.
With the different gameplay design between TFT and League of Legends, there are many characters with extremely opposite circumstances. Right now, some champions may be very strong in TFT but not many people pay attention to them in League of Legends. So where are the generals with such “difficult” circumstances? Let’s find out.
As one of the most special champions in season 9, Ryze possesses extremely interesting skills that, when activated, will change based on the region. Therefore, TFT’s Ryze can do everything from controlling, dealing damage to protecting the main force. Therefore, Ryze is always considered a very strong champion of TFT.
However, in League of Legends, Ryze is in a rather “tragic” situation. This champion only has a 1.74% pick rate in the Mid Lane and is considered a weak champion by Perhaps it’s time for Riot to remake League of Legends’ Ryze again.
Good resistance and strong support for the whole team are what can describe TFT’s Shen. This general has very strong defense and is always used in Ionia or Courage squads at the present time.
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However, Shen in League of Legends has a super low selection rate of 2.01% at the present time. Although the win rate is not too low, Shen’s overly passive gameplay and lack of excitement have caused Shen to be overlooked by many players.
Basically, Sejuani is a very strong tank champion in TFT thanks to her stubborn nature. Furthermore, gamers recently discovered the extremely good combination between Sejuani and Nilah at the present time. Therefore, Sejuani is very important in TFT.
However, this champion has extremely bad stats in League of Legends with only 2.06% selection rate. Even her win rate is in the extremely low group. Perhaps the continuous nerfs in the 2023 season have put Sejuani in such a miserable situation.