The upcoming anime adaptation of Vampire Dormitory has revealed its second teaser promotional video featuring the voices of the main cast. The PV features Kana Ichinose (Fern in Frieren: Beyond Journey’s End) voicing Mito Yamamoto, Shunichi Toki (Kazutora Hanemiya in Tokyo Revengers) as Ruka Saotome, and Yuichiro Umehara (Goblin Slayer in Goblin Slayer) as Ren Nikaido. A special stage will also be held at Anime Japan 2024, where voice actors will attend to talk about Vampire Dormitory. Character designs have also been revealed.
Vampire Dormitory will be adapted from a manga written and illustrated by Ema Toyama. The manga has been serialized since November 2018 in Kodansha’s shoujo manga magazine Nakayoshi. Studio Blanc’s anime adaptation was announced in October 2023. The anime will premiere in April 2024. Watch the second PV teaser here:
Kodansha USA is licensing the manga in English and describes the story as follows: “I’ll do it! I will become your slave!” A cross-dressing girl and an obsessed vampire find themselves entangled in a dangerous relationship. A heart-stopping BL romance from award-winning Ema Toyama (Missions of Love, Aoba-kun’s Confessions)! Mito, who has no family to rely on, lives on the streets, disguised as a boy. Ruka, a vampire, saves her from a dangerous situation and makes her an offer: become his slave, from where he can feed whenever he wants, and she can live with him — in the men’s dormitory. Because her survival depends on her secret not being discovered, every day brings a new danger—not to mention that vampire! Meanwhile, Ruka, unaware that Mito is a girl, pampers her day and night in an attempt to ripen her “disgusting male blood,” but when real feelings arise… love The dangerous romance between a cross-dressing girl and an obsessed vampire begins!
Source: Official website©Ema Toyama/Kodansha/“Vampire Dormitory” Production Committee