Two on Ice is a new figure skating manga from Shonen Jump that recalls the style of Yury on Ice, about two skaters who admire each other’s abilities. The manga explores the personal hardships that shape a skater’s journey, much like Yuri on Ice, but stands out by focusing on pair skating and allowing for personal growth. Hayuma and Kisama could be ideal partners, each enhancing the other’s skills, but they may be hindered by Hayuma’s lack of training and Kisama’s concerns about getting in his way.
A new figure skating manga by Jump Shonen is bringing the tone of yuri on ice. Two on ice follows two ice skaters as they train hard for their chosen sport. The main character deeply admires one of the top competitors in figure skating, while demonstrating each person’s ability to be independent.
Two on Ice is a manga series by Elck Itsumo. It started in September 2023 and has released five chapters so far. This is a sports romance manga that follows Hayuma Minekoshi and Kisama Saotome.
The film focuses on Kisama, a skating prodigy in women’s skating who rose above her competitors before suddenly disappearing. Hayuma mimics Kisama’s movements from TV and replicates some of her abilities without formal training.
Shonen Jump introduces figure skating in the new sports manga Two on Ice
Yuri on Ice is a hit anime produced by MAPPA and created by Sayo Yamamoto and Mitsurō Kubo. It aired from October to December 2016. The series – which has been highly praised by several famous Olympic figure skaters – follows Yuuri Katsuki as he trains under Victor Nikiforov , a champion figure skater. Inspired by their teacher’s past achievements and doing their best, the two eventually fall in love and continue their skating journey together. Although these stories are very different in many ways, they have some important thematic similarities that make Two on Ice an exciting, new Shonen Jump manga for fans of the ice skating anime popular art.
Hayuma’s admiration for Kisama is a parallel between the series, in which one skater is idolizing another due to their high skill. Additionally, this series explores some of the personal struggles that can impact a skater’s journey, much like Yuuri on Ice did. However, Two on Ice differentiates itself from Yuri on Ice by putting the main skaters on equal footing who can compete at the same level by joining together as a pair. It focuses on pair skating, while allowing for independent development and fighting, making it a promising sports manga. Hayuma is limited by lack of training, but he still has time to overcome his shortcomings and has the potential to excel in independent competition.
On the contrary, Kisama is limited by her age if she still competes individually due to the pressure on the female body for independent skills. However, by competing in pairs, she will have more time to do what she loves equally. Hayuma and Kisama could be ideal partners, elevating each other and rising to the top of pair skating. They may be hindered by Hayuma’s skills and Kisama’s desire to not hinder her future partner from reaching his full potential. This could lead to a beautiful, equal partnership portrayed through the lens of figure skating. While different enough to be its own unique story, Two on ice should be one Jump Shonen series yuri on ice fans give it a chance based on its similar themes.
Two on ice available to read on!
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