The anime adapted from the manga “Medaka Kuroiwa is Impervious to My Charms” has caused controversy on Japanese social networks, but not because of the story or characters, but because of the opening.
This opening has been described as “one of the most disappointing choreographies” in anime's recent history.
The story follows the humorous interactions between Mona Kawai, a girl who relies on her overwhelming charm, and Medaka Kuroiwa, a monk-in-training who tries to resist worldly temptations. However, this anime did not make a good impression with its musical opening. Netizens pointed out that the quality of the choreography in the opening was not only basic but also seemed to lack energy and creativity.
Here are some of the most notable comments on social networks about this anime:
– I don't know what they spent the budget on but this dance is so ridiculous, even if they used CGI.
– After watching the first episode, I thought they focused hard on the seiyuus, but the rest was a disaster.
– Maybe they thought someone would dance to it on TikTok, but I don't think it worked.
– 20 years ago, Conan had a much more lively para-para dance.
– The funniest thing is that they all have the same height and same leg length.
Fan disappointment, combined with criticism of the film's art direction, left other aspects questionable. Given the criticism of the opening, it remains to be seen whether the rookie anime can overcome this bad first impression and win over the public with its story and developments.
Synopsis Medaka Kuroiwa is Impervious to My Charms
Mona Kawai is an incredibly beautiful young woman, aware of her attractiveness and accustomed to being the center of attention of both boys and girls. However, her life takes a different turn when she meets Medaka Kuroiwa, a boy who is immune to her charms. Mona decides to use her entire arsenal of seduction, but she is unaware that Medaka is training to become a monk, forcing him to resist earthly temptations. As Mona tries to win over Medaka, she may end up being the one to fall in love with him.