The final installment is titled Bleach: Thousand-Year Blood War – The Calamity – In a special one-hour episode of Bleach: Thousand-Year Blood War Part 3 – The Conflict, Aniplex has officially confirmed that Part 4titled Bleach: Thousand-Year Blood War – The Calamitywill be the final part of this anime series.
Information about the previous part:
Part 3 – The Conflict premiered on October 5 on TV Tokyo and other affiliated channels, maintaining its late night time slot (11:00 p.m. Japan time). The anime kicked off with its first season in October 2022, ending in December 2022 with a one-hour special, consisting of episodes 12 and 13.
Part 2 launches July 2023 on Hulu (US), Star+ (Latin America), and Disney+ (international), and is streamed by Ani-One Asia in many Asian countries.
Plot and structure:
The anime series spans four seasons, with breaks in between to maintain production quality. The content includes the entire final arc of the original Bleach manga by Tite Kubo, known as Thousand-Year Blood War Arc. This section covers volumes 55 to 74 in the manga.
Broadcast and distribution:
Viz Media streams the anime on Hulu in the United States. Disney+ is responsible for release in international regions. Ani-One Asia offers audiences in many Asian countries the opportunity to watch the series through their platform.
Expectations for the finale:
Bleach: Thousand-Year Blood War – The Calamity promises to bring an epic and emotional ending, closing the years-long journey of Ichigo Kurosaki and his teammates in the fight against the most powerful forces ever. With high production quality and fan engagement, this finale is expected to be a complete tribute to Bleach's legacy.