Studio KAI produced the anime starring Ryōtarō Okiayu as Nube – After more than two decades, Jigoku Sensei Nube – the legendary manga about psychic teacher Meisuke Nueno – will return to the audience through a new anime version, scheduled to be released on Summer 2025. With the participation of Ryōtarō Okiayu as “Nube” and produced by Studio KAIthe anime series promises to recreate classic stories full of mystery and emotion from the original manga.
Outstanding information about new projects
Familiar voice actor
Ryōtarō Okiayu will reprise his role as Meisuke Nueno (“Nube”), the main character in the series. Okiayu's return to this role brings great expectations to longtime fans, as his voice has become iconic of the character.
Production studio
Studio KAI (famous for projects like Umamusume and 7SEEDS) is in charge of production. This studio's involvement gives hope for a modern version that still retains the original spirit of the series.
Images and broadcast time
The anime series has announced its official images and introduction video, creating excitement for the audience before its premiere Summer 2025.
Audition opportunity
The production team will hold auditions for children to take on the role of students in the anime. This is a unique highlight, contributing to increasing interaction between the project and fans.
The plot and attraction of Jigoku Sensei Nube
The story revolves around Meisuke Nuenoa psychic teacher with a mysterious demon hand. “Nube” uses his supernatural powers to fight evil spirits and monsters, protecting students from supernatural threats. The work has a strong character. mysteryincorporates elements from Japanese mythology and folklore, highlighting urban legends and classic ghost stories in a school setting.
With a balance between horror, action and humanistic elements, Jigoku Sensei Nube has touched the hearts of many generations of readers, becoming an icon of the mystery manga genre.
Legacy of Jigoku Sensei Nube
Original mangaWritten by Sho Makura and illustrated by Takeshi Okanothe original manga series includes 31 episodes published from 1993 to 1999 in Weekly Shonen Jump magazine. The manga has sold more 29 million copiesaffirming its position in the hearts of fans.
Sequels and spin-offs
Jigoku Sensei Nube: Ōmagatoki (2014): Special one-shot after 15 years.
Jigoku Sensei Nube Neo (2014-2018): The sequel includes 17 episodes.
Jigoku Sensei Nube S (2018): A shorter version with 4 episodes.
Reibaishi Izuna and Reibaishi Izuna Ascension: Two side stories of 10 volumes each, expanding the universe of Jigoku Sensei Nube.
Anime and film adaptations
Animated television series (1996-1997). Video animation series (OVA, 1998-1999). Three animated films released in theaters (1996-1997). The 2014 live-action film brought the story to the big screen with a real cast.