The anime is a refreshing addition to the half-century anniversary of the original's 1977 release – Nippon Animation has just announced the production of a new spin-off anime series of the classic series Raccoon Rascal (Araiguma Rascal) titled c (Raccoon Calcal Force), scheduled for release in 2025. This is a fresh addition that celebrates half a century since the original's release in 1977, marking the continuation of an enduring masterpiece in memories for many generations.
Slogan and content revealed
The anime's promotional image carries the impressive tagline: “Half a century after the enduring masterpiece, they have come to Earth”. While plot details have yet to be fully announced, it appears the new story will bring the iconic characters to a more modern setting, with all-new adventures.
Voice cast
Anime confirms the participation of prominent names:
Junya Enoki
Taku Yashiro
Kenshō Ono
Yōhei Azakami
Kenjiro Tsuda
Although the specific roles of each actor have not been revealed, their appearance promises to bring special appeal to the series.
Production team
The anime series is made by an experienced team at Nippon Animation:
Director: Henry Hirakawa
Character design: Ayano Yoshioka (Let’s Make a Mug Too)
Composing music: Arisa Okehazama
Audio director: Kisuke Koizumi
Main manufacturer: Kozo Misawa (Yomiuri TV), Hitomi Hiratsuka (Nippon Animation)
Manufacturer: Hiroya Tanaka (Yomiuri TV), Kasumi Dekune (Nippon Animation)
The 1977 anime Raccoon Rascal is based on the novel Rascal, A Memoir of a Better Era by Sterling Northtells the story of a touching friendship between a boy Sterling and the raccoon Rascal in the American countryside scene of the early 20th century. This is part of a series of films World Masterpiece Theater – a series of films adapted from classic children's literature. Special point, founder of Studio Ghibli, Hayao Miyazakiparticipated as an animator in this project.
Legacy and previous expansions
The original series is not only a cultural icon in Japan but has also inspired other works:
Poka Poka Mori no Rascal (2006): A lovely short anime version for children.
Meitante Rascal (2014): Version with a detective context, creating a new perspective on the character Rascal.