Kodoani.com – The main website for the anime adaptation of the novel series “Shinmai Ossan Bōkensha, Saikyō Party ni Shinu Hodo Kitaerarete Muteki ni Naru” (The Rookie Middle-Aged Adventurer Was Trained to Death by the Most Strong Party to Become Invincible) by Kiraku Kishima revealed the content of the show that debuted in July on TV Tokyo, MBS and BS-TV Tokyo through a PV video. first on Monday.
The site also revealed new visuals and three additional voice actors.
The new cast includes:
Shino Shimoji voices Angelica Diarmuit Ryohei Kimura voices Raster Diarmuit Shinnosuke Tokudome voices Liberated Diarmuit
Anime stars include:
Takuya Satō voice Gladiator Rick Saori Ōnishi as Reanette Elfelt Kenta Miyake voice Broughston Ashorc Toshiyuki Toyonaga voice Mizett Eldwarf Misaki Kuno voice Alicerette Draqul
Shin Katagai directs the anime at Yumeta Company. Kasumi Tsuchida is in charge of creating the series. Mari Eguchi is the character designer. Tomotaka Ohsumi composed the music and Toshiki Kameyama was the sound director.
The “shōnen for middle-aged readers” series follows Rick Gladiator, a guild secretary who strives to become an adventurer. Although he started his career after passing the age of 30, thanks to his cooperation with the legendary group Orichalcum Fist, he lived an unimaginable life with peak fighting ability. With skills honed by “Monster Level” masters, from dragons to vampires, Rick faces off against the most elite adventurers in the land.
HJ Novels published the first novel in the series with illustrations by Tea in December 2018. Ken Ogino adapted it into a manga and published it on Comic Fire in November 2019.