The film stars Asami Seto and Sōma Saitō to be released in 2025. – On Sunday, Animation ID released a character introduction video for the anime adaptation of the vertical scrolling webtoon With Vengeance, Sincerely, Your Broken Saintess (Kizu Darake Seijo Yori Hōfuku wo Komete) của to SORAJIM and Aminohada. The anime series is expected to premiere next year 2025.
Cast information:
Lua: Asami Seto
Sven: Soma Saitō
Arianne: Momo Asakura
Garrett: Kazuki Ura
Cezee: Kazuyuki Okitsu
Production team:
Director: Chisaki (IMAGICA Infos/Imageworks Studio)
Audio director: Yūichi Imaizumi
Sound effects: Hiroki Nozaki và Airi Kobayashi
Musician: onoken
Production supervision: Kazuya Takahashi
Content summary (according to Pocket Comics):
Lua is a saint candidate with the power to heal by transferring the wounds of others onto her body. This power caused her to be bullied and called the “Fallen Saint”. However, Lua is still optimistic because she has Arianne, her best friend who always protects her.
Everything changed when Lua sacrificed her health to save Commander Garrettthe person she secretly loved, from death. But that credit was stolen by Arianne, her best friend. After discovering Arianne's true nature, Lua fell into despair.
At that time, Second prince appears, making an offer that could change her life. Lua begins a new journey, no longer a saint, but a villainess with the goal of revenge.
Webtoon information:
Launched in Japan: August 2022 on comico
English version released: October 2022 on Pocket Comics
About the “Light Anime” genre:
“Light Anime” is a form of animation with a simpler style, intended to reduce production time and costs. Some other works of this genre produced by Animation ID include:
Lockdown Zone: Level X Maarui Kanojo to Zannen na Kareshi Moriarty's Perfect Crime