The manga focuses on a mysterious boy who often appears from beyond the horizon – Kodansha's March issue of Afternoon magazine revealed on Friday that the mangaka Yuki Urushibarathe author of Mushishi, will publish a new manga series titled Suiheisen no Nera (Nera on the Horizon). The manga will premiere in the magazine's next issue on the same day February 25, 2025with a total of 110 pages. It is currently unknown whether this manga will be a one-shot or will continue as a series.
Information about content:
The story revolves around Nagia mysterious boy who often appears from beyond Earth's horizon, where sea levels are rising. The manga is promised to bring a mysterious atmosphere, similar to Urushibara's previous works.
About Yuki Urushibara:
Urushibara is best known for his manga Mushishi, which was serialized from 1999 to 2008 and received many major awards, including Kodansha Manga Award. Mushishi has inspired many adaptations, including:
Anime television series 26 episodes (2005). Sequel Mushishi: The Next Chapter (20 episodes2014). Special episodes and movies such as Hihamukage, Odoro no Michi, and Suzu no Shizuku.
In addition to Mushishi, Urushibara also published the manga When a Cat Faces West (Neko ga Nishi Mukya) in Afternoon magazine from 2018 to 2020, and Kodansha USA published the series in English.
Expectations about Suiheisen no Nera:
With the success of previous works, especially the ability to create a mysterious world, evoking a feeling of intimacy but no less surreal, Suiheisen no Nera promises to continue to satisfy readers who love the style. Urushibara's unique storytelling. The release of 110 pages right from the start shows that this could be a work of passion with deep development in both character and plot.