Bleach's third installment of Thousand-Year Blood War is one of the biggest returns of the Fall 2024 anime series, seeing Ichigo and the Soul Society continue their fight against Yhwach and the Quincy Clan. With a few episodes already out, the third season of this anime series is one that has been a huge success, giving anime fans some great moments.
Unfortunately, one of the biggest problems with Studio Pierrot's latest project is one that could be fixed quite easily. The Post-Credit scenes in Thousand-Year Blood War present a major problem, especially for those who don't watch all the way through the credits.
After-credits scenes have been a part of the anime world for a while. Usually, these scenes will give fans clues about what's coming up in whatever anime they're watching. Anime like Demon Slayer, My Hero Academia, and many other anime shows all have scenes that appear after the ending theme song.
Of course, after-credits scenes in the entertainment world have become important, most notably perhaps with the Marvel Cinematic Universe. However, in the case of Bleach, there's a pretty big warning with post-credits scenes and why it puts viewers in a difficult position if they miss them.
After-credits scene problem
Bleach's current post-credits scenes are absolutely necessary to find out what's going on in the story and what's to come. For example, in the latest episode, we see Yhwach do the unthinkable and absorb the power of the Soul King himself into his being. On top of that, we see the terrifying new form of the Quincy leader and if you happen to miss this scene, you'll be pretty confused if you jump right into the next episode, unless Pierrot does a recap in the moments opening moment of the sequel.
For scenes like these, Thousand-Year Blood War would have benefited from placing them before the credits started running and, perhaps, shifting the scenes after the credits to focus more on a short introduction to the What will happen next? Having such essential scenes take place at a time when people may be shutting down creates a difficult situation for anime fans, leaving them potentially confused and frustrated. Ultimately, the complaint about the post-intro scene is a minor one but it could cause some major headaches for those who may have missed key details.
The bloody war continues
When it comes to Blood War, every event needs to be witnessed to grasp the grand scale of what is happening in the world of Soul Society. This latest installment not only sees the continued war against Yhwach but also new partnerships forged on the front lines. Thanks to the risky move of freeing Aizen from his prison inside Soul Society, the villain was a great help to the Shinigami. On the other hand, some members of the Sternritter felt betrayed when Yhwach regained his powers, meaning they were more than willing to fight against their former leader.
We're not even halfway through the third season of the Bleach anime revival but manga readers know some big moments await. Now that Yhwach has taken on the Soul King's ultimate power and added it to his own, defeating him would be a feat that would take everything the Soul Society has.